I just cheated a MMORPG, it feels good.

I have always made it a rule never to cheat at anything. Recently i played a certain MMORPG which i quite enjoyed and got hooked. Days later, i came across a hack for this game which i considered trying. The hack included giving me game master privileges, which of course i was to be careful so that no one will notice i could suddenly teleport anywhere in the map. I didn't produce any items for fear that it could be tracked down. I did however teleport a lot and used the invisibility feature of a GM, Yes folks, i was both the hollowman and jumper. You could imagine how it felt, i truly felt all powerful. Not to mention that monsters or NPC's of the game can't see me, but also other players themselves, i can still recall watching some players or following them for a couple of minutes and they don't know it. That was a first for me, so it was truly amazing. This must be how God feels sometimes, it's very entertaining. I don't know how long the hack will go unnoticed but i will surely enjoy it as long as i can.

Suteki Da Ne Video, English Lyrics... Made by an independent artist

This song contains the original rendition of an independent artist, the lyrics are not the original translation but also rendered by another person, but it's still brilliantly done.

Credits go to katethegreat19 an independent and brilliant artist.

The half blood prince movie, long and boring

As most Harry Potter Movie, this one also presented the place and setting of the story beautifully, Very good work on that part. But one thing i had to admit is that this movie was long and boring, just a long movie would have been fine, but no... they had to make it boring... I've read all the Harry Potter books and sad to say, the movie did not emit the same particular aura of the story as when you're reading it. One in particular is the death of Dumbledore which could have been spiced up a bit. In short, it needed more drama rather than focusing on the love team ups which also came short as it never really emphasized the growing love between Harry and Ginny which the book really put to words brilliantly,this movie didn't really give a good foundation for the next movie which is more or less interconnected. But it's just my opinion, I hope they could do better on the last movie, they owe it to the fans which made them all stinking rich.

Firefox is dying

firefox news
I have been wondering, is it just me? or is firefox really dying? Is what most deemed as the greatest browser currently losing its touch? Since the arrival of Firefox 3.5, i've noticed that its performance was somewhat slow, or it just seemed to heavy. It has also had crashes which i've never encountered in the previous versions, it seems also that browsing the internet seems slower. In fact, I'm having problems accessing some particular websites such as friendster, facebook and blogger.com, does my computer have a virus? I'm afraid not, I scanned everything, reinstalled my O.S, used at least 6 computers, and the results are almost the same.

Sad to say, the rumors could be true, that firefox is dying a slow and painful death. Hope they can make amends and recover, as for now, I'm using google chrome, which is a very promising browser.

Why do men have nipples?

Have you ever asked such a question? Well, this book by Mark Leyner can answer that and more. I really loved this book, because it answered a lot of weird medical questions i had which i was embarrassed to ask a doctor.

Why do men have nipples? The answer is in during the early stages of us being in an embryo, our growth actually follows what some call a "female template" which of course includes two nipples. So some of you guys, i mean males... just to clarify... might think "Great, they're of no use, i should have them surgically remove! " You better hold your horses, one of the rules i follow is that, if it's no harm, let it be. So i suggest you do the same.

The book by Mark Leyner answes a lot of questions about the common weird,bizzare and practical things we ask about health and medicine, i highly recommend it to anyone wether you are eager to learn or just looking for something good to read.

Nice free widget site for bloggers!

This site is definitely for bloggers, it has two great widgets for free that i definitely useful for bloggers. One displays the number of currently online readers, you can also customize the color of this widget. The other widget shows you a world map and then puts a marker as to where your current reader is right now! A very nice feature, so that if some reader of yours annoys you, you pretty much have a general idea where to hunt him down! (haha, joke) , anyways, hope you enjoy this site.

link: http://whos.amung.us/showcase

stay clear of 000webhosts.com

These past few days i have been searching for a good free hosting site that i was hoping to test out to see if their services are good. So i searched for free hosting sites that offered unlimited bandwidth or at the very least a very high bandwidth, one of those i found to be very promising was 000webhosts.com, this free hosting site offered 1500MB of disk space and 100GB of bandwidth, so you're thinking "nice" right? Well, so did i at first, so i tried to register, nothing unusual about the process, just the old boring fill up the form stuffs. No adds or hidden offers, none of those crap. So when i finished i was told that it would take 24 hours for the account to activate. So i said "that's alright, I'm fine with that. we'll see what happens". A day and a half later was still unable to access my account cause according to site the administrators still haven't activated my account("lazy bums!"). So i decided to wait a day more hoping for a better result, but still my account was not activated. Curious as i was i decided to register 3 times using different email accounts just to find out if this is site just had some technical problems which sometimes resulted in some registrations being lost. Well, the result was an unbelievably amazing 3/3. None of my requested accounts made it out alive! They are forever lost, like an air plane passing through the Bermuda triangle, so after all that happened I decided to email them about my problem, just to humor myself. True to their nature, I never received a reply . a week passed and still nothing, apparently this hosting company does not care about their free users, maybe they only entertain their premium users? I don't know, but they should keep in mind that those free users might be potential premium customers, and i think the way they handle their free customers will also reflect how they will handle you as a premium customer. S now I'm here writing about this, hoping someone will be warned in advanced and won't suffer what I went through(bitter disappointment, wasted my time), on the plus side i found something to write about. Thanks 000webhosts.com. Anyone who had a better experience with this site? Leave a comment, share your experience, so that 000webhosts.com might be able to redeem itself.

Michael Jackson, his beginnings

This was back when Michael Jackson first started out with his family. I really liked this video, it reminds me of the old Michael that i idolized, not the one he became in his later years. Not to be rude to a dead pop star, but he kind of messed up this past few years of his life. I could honestly say that i liked the way he performed in this video than in some of his videos when he was all grown up, this video shows some innocence he had as a child, which kind of complimented the song and his voice which i think he also messed up when he grew up. But still i consider him the best, Michael is a great performer and entertainer. Wherever he is, i wish him the best.